Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific events organisation

general chair, scientific chair
  • Laure Blanc-Féraud was General Program chair of the conference IEEE ISBI 2014 in Beijing.

member of the organizing committee
  • Eric Debreuve was member of the organizing committees of ICIP 2014 (International Conference on Image Processing) as Area chair and of EUSIPCO 2015 (European Signal Processing Conference) as Area chair.

  • Xavier Descombes was member of organization board for the "OPTITECH Event 2015".

Scientific events selection

responsable of the conference program committee
  • Laure Blanc-Féraud was General Program chair of the conference IEEE ISBI 2014 in Beijing.

member of the conference program committee
  • Eric Debreuve was member of program committee of RFIA 2014 (congrès national sur la Reconnaissance des Formes et l'Intelligence Artificielle).

  • Xavier Descombes was associated editor for the conference ICIP 2014.

  • Laure Blanc-Féraud was associate editor of the workshop on New Computational Methods in Inverse Problems - NCMIP 2014 (NCMIP ) in ENS Cachan.

  • Grégoire Malandain was an associate editor for the conference ISBI 2015.

  • Eric Debreuve was reviewer for ISBI 2014 (International Symposium on Biological Imaging).

  • Xavier Descombes was reviewer for ISBI 2014, ICIP 2014 ,ICASSP 2014.

  • Laure Blanc-Féraud was reviewer the conferences ISBI 2014, ICIP 2014 ,ICASSP 2014.


member of the editorial board
  • Xavier Descombes is associated editor of DSP (Digital Signal Processing).

  • Laure Blanc-Féraud is Associate Editor of SIAM Journal Imaging Sciences and Traitement du Signal Journal.

  • Eric Debreuve was reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision (Springer), Journal of Computational Physics (Elsevier), Pattern Recognition (Elsevier).

  • Xavier Descombes was reviewer for IEEE TMI, IEEE IP, ...

Scientific animation

  • Xavier Descombes is associated member of IEEE BISP (Biomedical Imaging Signal Processing), member of the Scientific Committee of the competitivness pole Optitech, expert for the MESR within the CIR program. He was in the jury of a MdC recruitment jury in Paris V and in the committee for Transverse master fellowship at Inria CRI-SAM.

  • Laure Blanc-Féraud is director of GdR 720 ISIS of CNRS. She is member of the IEEE BISP (Biomedical Imaging Signal Processing) Technical Committee, she is member of the scientific steering committee of ANR for Defi 7 on "société de l'information et de la communication), she was part of the group of the SNR (national research strategy) for defining the strategy of the MENESR concerning the défi 7, she was member of the scientific council of Institute INS2I of CNRS, invited member of the scientific council of Institute INSIS of CNRS (till september 2014), member of "bureau du comité des projets" Inria SAM (till july 2014). She is part of the scientific committee of laboratory GreyC (UMR CNRS 6072) and of "’Institut des Technologies Avancées en sciences du Vivant" (ITAV, USR CNRS 3505). She is part of the evaluation committee of ONERA DTIM department. She is expert member of the Italian Ministry for Education.

  • Grégoire Malandain is member of the IEEE/EMB Technical Committee on Biomedical Imaging and Image Processing (BIIP). He is an invited member of the Scientific Committee of the MIA department of INRA. From september the 1st, he is the head of the committee "Comité de suivi doctoral” of the Inria CRI-SAM.